Sunday, May 10, 2009

Garden Glory

It is a little early to really be planting stuff, but it is getting crazy out of control in my house so I transplanted almost all my seedlings today. I made sure to water them well because they looked pretty traumatized from the move. Hopefully they'll perk up soon. I see the sun is peeking out now so they might get a little warmth.

I plan on covering them with old sheets or a plastic tarp at night for the first few nights because I haven't hardened them off yet. In an ideal world, I would have left them outside for a few hours at a time to get used to the outside gradually. But all of a sudden I realized that I had the time to plant them and I needed them out, now!

My tomatoes were so darn leggy, I ended up stripping the bottom 12-18 inches of leaves and burying the stalk in a shallow trench and then tied the top to a stake so that roots will grow out of the stalk. Tomatoes are good like that. I need to buy lots more cages, though. I only had 4 cages because I used my peony cages on my
peonies this year :-)

I tied some twine up to stakes to make a half-assed fence to keep two year olds out of the garden. But I need to buy some more stakes, too. When my irises bloom, I'll really need the stakes for them and for my gladiolas.

Feels so good to be out in the yard and it is looking sharp with our new playset. If only Dave would agree to cut the lawn shorter. He says longer is better for it. That might be true, but it looks unruly to me.

Oh, biggidy-bomb is up so I'll go tend to him now. I'll post pics later.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Relaxing on a sunny day

I am enjoying a day without a nap. I finally feel good again! About two weeks ago, I got a cold. Then I concurrently got a UTI (thankfully, my dear Dr. Andy was able to prescribe me some stuff since I couldn't get to my doctor). Then Charlotte got some sort of stomach/poop bug that lasted FOUR days. Then as she got better, I got it! But it only lasted a couple of days and Henry never got it.

So I have been napping because I've been sick and miserable. But now I feel pretty good. I worked out today and then we went to see Mary and her new baby, James. He is a peanut! I can't believe babies are so small. Henry looked like Gigantatron next to baby James. My friend Rose also had a baby yesterday, her baby is Elsa. Love that nice german name.

My seed catalog from Henry Fields came today and though I wanted to use burpee (like mom always does), I find this one is slightly cheaper, and so I might use that.

The sun is coming through the windows, the kids are both sleeping and all the world is at peace. Maybe that is the margarita talking. What? A margarita in the middle of the day?? you might ask. BUT, if you think about it, it is the most responsible time for me to drink when I don't have any childcare duties. I just have to be good to nurse at about 5pm. No problem! And though "daytime drinking" is a supposed to be a sign of alcoholism, I can assure you all that I haven't been drinking a whole heck of alot lately. Just too busy/too tired to do much. I go to bed at like 9:30. Last night I stayed up til 10:10 and I thought that was late!

I'd love to post pics, but I"m using my "craptop" and it doesn't have our photos on it, so maybe another time.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Garden Fever!

Okay, quick update: Henry is getting better and better generally, though Dave still sort of dislikes him and thinks he is difficult. This is not true, he is just a baby. Henry, not Dave. Well, maybe both when it comes to this :-) Found out the hard way that his reflux meds are actually quite important when CJ managed to lose his medicine and he missed two doses and then went nuts the following day. Bought two week supply more for $24 then found the bottle in the pantry. Thanks, Charlotte.

Charlotte is super cute, talks all the time, likes to sing, loves the snow. She stomps one foot into the snow along the driveway all the way down. I'm not sure why this is so interesting, but she's been doing it for months.

On henry's three month birthday we joined the YMCA (they watch kids in childcare center for free with family membership as soon as babies are 3 months old). After some false starts, we found a good rhythm to going and now go 6 days a week at 8:30-10:00. I've lost 10 pounds and several inches and I feel much better!!

Getting out with the two kids is getting easier, or I'm just getting used to it. But I'm getting desperate to get out withOUT the kids and maybe WITH my husband. Need a date night soon!

I'm reading a book called Animal, Vegetable, Miracle about a family who vows to eat only food that is local. They grow much of it themselves on their farm in Virginia (?) and buy local meats. Although I'm not up for that challenge (it is a holy amount of work), I'm super excited about my garden this year!! Last fall I killed a flower bed so I could do more veggies and I'm so glad. I plan to plant lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, beans, onions, garlic, maybe potatoes and I already ahve some strawberries. I'm going to do my best to do it all organically and I have a few books on hold from the library about this. I also plan to try to hit the farmers market as soon as they open this spring and do more local buying and more food from scratch. I'm reading alot about the amount of preservatives and chemicals in our foods and I don't like it! Besides, I enjoy cooking and so does Charlotte. She is a tremendous helper and makes muffins with me about once a week. Now that Henry can sit in the Bumbo on the counter, we can probably do even more! I used my food dryer for the first time since last fall and dried some kiwi. They look awful but taste pretty darn good! I plan to try to do more with tomatoes this fall and dry some and can some and freeze some. I love me my tomatoes and so does Charlotte! I'll have to plant at least three cherry tom plants this year to keep us all satisfied.

Okay, kids still napping (I have them on the same schedule for the afternoon and it was a stroke of brilliance/necessity that I am glad for every single day) so I might get some stuff done.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Much Harder than I thought

(that's what she said)

So this two kid hard. I don't know if I have ppd or what. If I think I have it, maybe that means I don't, because if I did, then I'd be in denial and not think i had it. I don't know. What are my symptoms? Let's see...mostly just crazy. A vast majority of the time I'm doing okay. I get frustrated or sometimes I"m happy. But about once a day I lose it. Like I really get a little violent with the little guy. I swear alot. Charlotte knows who Jesus Christ is because mommy says it all the time. I like the baby because I can swear a blue streak and he won't repeat it. I wonder if he can sense it when I'm so pissed I'm about to bite him (haven't bitten him yet...well, not hard at least).

This morning I was so tired. I woke up at 1 am and 6:45 to nurse then when I got back into bed, Charlotte was yelling for me. But I refused to get her until 8. So I dozed while she yelled for about 30 minutes. I couldn't wait to take a nap. I thought maybe we'd just watch movies all day. But we didn't. And when the afternoon rolled around and I wasn't sure I would be able to get a nap in, I just got pissed and decided to run on the treadmill and get frustration out. Henry was sleeping and Charlotte watched some Curios George. Then after about 25 minutes of treadmill and 40 minutes of Henry nap, he woke up. I convinced Charlotte to nap even though she put on her snow boots and wanted to run on the treadmill with me (I promised we'd do it after the nap). I went up to Henry. This is the part that always throws me. He nursed at 11:45. It was now 1:45. Not really long enough to nurse. So i tried to rock him back to sleep for about a half an hour. This is when I went crazy. I was really pissed. He just wouldn't let me put him down. But he slept in my arms. So I finally nursed him (hoping there wasn't lactic acid in my milk from the exercise). And he went down. But I didn't burp him. So he woke up 1 minutes later, then I had to burp him and rock him more. But he's been sleeping maybe 10-15 minutes now. I hear a little murmur every now and then and I don't know if anyone but a mother of a newborn understands how it makes the hackles rise. I just pray silently....please, please, please, please, stay asleep, please don't wake up! At least not until I want you to.

Charlotte's naps have gone from a solid 2 hours down to about 1 or 1 and a half. This sucks. Timing the two was hard enough before, now the window is smaller. But if I don't nap when they do, I still want some "me" time. The little vampires suck on me (one of them literally) all day long.

Sleeping at night is horrible. I can't get to sleep. I know I'm tired, I know I need to sleep but I lie there. At 9:30 or 10 when I first lay down. Then again whenever I get up to nurse. Seems like the only time I can really sleep is by morning when the stupid kids are getting up!

We're planning on joining the Y and I look forward to that,I think. They won't take Henry (or H-bomb as we affectionately call him now) until 3 months. In the mean time, maybe I'll try to get a workout at home in during his morning nap from 10:15-10:45. Maybe by exercising it will be easier to sleep. Maybe the endorphins will help me not want to kill myself. It didn't really work today, I wonder how long it takes.