Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Showing? Or just getting fatter

I have now gained five pounds, bringing me back to my pre-pregnancy weight. However, it is not my pre-pregnancy appearance. I'm finding that I'm more vain than I thought. My little belly is getting jigglier. I know this because we had a dress rehersal for bellydance on Sunday and I was at the studio with all the mirrors and there was more to my shimmy than there used to be.

It isn't that I think "I'm fat". It's more about the changes to what I'm used to. Pants feel tight and not as comfy. I'm in permanant "thanksgiving dinner" mode with my top button undone.

I'm trying to prepare for the out of control experience of gaining weight and inches, however appropriate it is. Pregnancy is one of those things where you think you know what it is like...and then it hits you. Reality. It's kind of like teaching. You think you know what it'll be like, but somehow it is so much harder. And you think, "wow, no one appreciates what teachers do, how hard they work... blah, blah, blah". Same thing with pregnancy. Man, it is hard to do and most people have no idea (and 50% of the population never even could know).

On a more positive note: Dave comes home Friday :-) I am lonely and I do love him. This is good because at about 6 weeks I hated him! Ah, hormones.


Susan said...

I can't speak from experience on the reality of pregnancy, but I know what you mean about the teaching. Then again if people knew what their first year of teaching would be like, no one would do it. Same for being pregnant? Then again, some people enjoy the experience (reacting differently to hormones)?

KzooJason said...

I can't really say I know how you feel (falling into the aforementioned 50% of the population) but I wish you the best of luck with the upcoming changes and challenges!