Friday, August 03, 2007

Sick Baby Doll

So much to say. I'll probably blog several times in the next few days. Charlotte is sick. She had a slight fever on Saturday and Sunday and a runny nose. Probably teething, I thought. Also some diarrhea (also a teething symptom). But then her temp went way up.Monday and Tuesday were miserable. She only wanted to be held. Trouble sleeping at night. I nursed her like every hour and a half. But it made her happier. She didn't eat any solid food, so her stools were runny anyway. I took her to the doctor on Tuesday and he said that it was likely a summer virus that is pretty typical and has all those symptoms. She broker her fever on Wednesday evening and was much happier. Smiling and playing. She claps now, it is so cute. Thursday she was okay, not her usual self entirely, but much better, walking around, etc. Then last night was horrible again. She wouldn't sleep unless I held her and she isn't nursing well. So I usually nurse her when she is upset and that always works. But when she won't nurse...oh, it is awful! I don't know what non-nursing moms do, seriously! Nursing may be best for baby, but I'm sure it is even better for moms.
Another doctor appt. today at 4:30. We'll see...I'm pretty sure it is an ear infection. Some antibiotics and hopefully all will be well again soon.


Susan said...

Hope she feels better soon!

Brian and Becky said...

So sorry to hear that! Hope she feels better soon!

We need to hook up again sometime soon! Brian is working on Vickies again next week! **sigh**