Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The marvels of modern medicine

Hail modern medicine and whomever it was that discovered that vitamin B6 plus half a unisom eases morning sickness. Unfortunately, I still feel like I'm in a hazey fog for most of the day. I did smile today when I realized that I only have one more day before spring break, and that day is a bowling field trip day.

I feel better about the dancing thing, basically because it will be a relief to not worry about how I'll feel on performance night and during the three hour rehersals. Now I just have to find out if I'm still obligated to do the workshops and women's festival in May.

With spring break coming up, I confess to a certain fantasy where I hop on a plane and visit my friends in sunny Florida for a few days.

1 comment:

Susan said...

That is a great fantasy, which I wish would come true. I miss you.