Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Baby Update

We took a family picture last weekend. Charlotte is wearing the dress I made :-)

Yeast update: we have an appointment with the pediatrician on Friday to ascertain whether the thrush is receding rapidly enough. Also, my ob won't give me more cream unless the ped. says I still need to be treated. I'm out of cream and it is a great relief not to be applying and removing that crud 7 times a day. I also don't need to go through 16 breast pad a day.

Bottle Battle: yesterday, i took Charlotte to day care (Linda) for a trial run and hoping for bottle success. I took her there around 8:30 and just worried alot. I called at 11 am and she had tried the bottle a couple of times and said Charlotte didn't seem hungry (though I know she was, she ate 4 hours previously and before that it had been 9 hours). Then I called again at noon and she had some success. I guess Charlotte was sort of sleepy and finally latched on and took about 5 ounces. I picked her up and when we got home she napped and when she woke up was just frantic to eat. When I tried to burp her she went nuts and just couldn't get enough!

So, although it was a bit of a battle, she did actually take the damn thing and I don't think I have to worry that she'll hold out all day when I go back to work. I'll be taking her back sometime next week for another day.

Sleep: After a week of a super cranky baby at night, I finally realized she was just tired and needed to be put down earlier. Now she eats around 8:30 and is typically in bed by 9 pm. She now has slept until 7 am (with no feeds in between) a few days. I hope it continues and I am getting used to sleeping all night as long as the stupid cats don't wake me up!

Also, I joined a mom group, Mothers and More and look forward to being part of that. There are monthly meetings, playgroups to join, email listserves, activities such as wine tasting and sledding and probably lots more. I'm very excited about this and hope to be active even though I go back to work in 2.5 weeks.

1 comment:

Susan said...

And the diaper cover trim even matches the sweater!