Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Nipple Nipping

Last night at the before bed nursing, Charlotte gave my nipple a chomp! It really surprised me. I thought maybe she was impatient with that side and so I switched sides. On the other side, she gave an even harder Chomp! This made me grimace and then that hurt my face and made me cry. So I called Jen and asked what I'm supposed to do and I guess just saying "no" in a very firm voice and then stopping nursing if it continues. So I tried once more and she looked up at me, and very deliberately and slowly...Chomped! So I took her off and put her to bed. I felt so odd, I always thought the before bed nursing was important to her and I figured then I'd be up in a couple of hours to nurse her since she'll obviously be hungry. But she slept until 7 this morning!

So then when she woke up I was so nervous I was afraid she'd bite me more. But it went okay. When I nursed her next, she did give me a little chomp so I said "no" again and put her down. She cried and crawled around after me for 10 or 15 minutes than I put her back to breast and everything was fine. No biting tonight, so I'm starting to relax.

But if this biting thing continues...I just don't know. Holy cow, did it hurt! I don't know how much of that I could tolerate. And she only has two bottom teeth! I just so wanted to make it at least a year so I could avoid formula. I guess if I have to go to that it isn't too bad, but I've made it so far. And good for me! Instead of people saying (so pointedly) "you're STILL nursing??!", I'd like to hear a "good for you"! Because, well, it is hard and a big sacrifice. And I'm so glad I did it.

Oh, here is a cute pic of the baby doll, she was mimicking me and pursing her lips in a kissy face:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
And just looking cute:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketAnd having a glass of wine before dinner:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Brian and Becky said...

I say - GOOD FOR YOU! Nipping and all! I didn't make it, and it made me really sad - so I completely know what you mean! I hope you and C resolve this chomping issue so you can make it to 1 year!!!

Susan said...

I'll add another good for you! But I'll also add a grimace, because, ouch.