Sunday, April 15, 2007


Easter was a good time
with the Mothers and More easter egg hunt. Charlotte didn't hunt so much, but mom and dad had a good time socializing. Then on Sunday we went to my mom's.

Well, Charlotte and I have had our first colds together. I took her to the doctor on Friday and she got an anti-biotic for a sinus infection. I'm just toughing it out....for now. She is managing it pretty well. I suck the snot out as much as I can. She has a little trouble nursing since she's so congested. She nurses a bit then pulls away and gasps! then goes back to it.

Spring break was great. The nicest part was finding out the good news that Dave is getting a raise/promotion and will at some point actually be transferred to development. The bad news is that we don't know when. The "schedule" has Dave in Ohio until the end of May. This is pretty tough...I don't know if I can do it. Charlotte is wonderful, but it really sucks to be alone. He's already been gone four weeks and a weekend. But he'll be home next weekend (whoa, two in a row) so that is nice :-)

We just took Charlotte on a walk and she had her sunglasses on. So cute. She looked like an extreme snowboarding baby in her snowsuit and sunglasses.

Today we did laundry. Charlotte helped.

I'm pretty sure I won't be working full time next year. I meet with my principal on Monday to discuss part time options tomorrow. I don't think he'll have all that much to's isn't all in his power. Making through the rest of the year will be pretty hard. I just want to be with Charlotte, and Dave. But it is mid-April already and only two months to go. I'll leave you with a video of Charlotte. She is watching daddy eat pizza...I think she might be ready for food.

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