Sunday, October 15, 2006

One small foot for woman, one giant foot for womankind

Yesterday I was at Sara Wiles's baby shower and at the end, I looked down and my right foot seemed puffy. Upon closer inspection and comparrison to my left foot, I saw that it was indeed about twice the size it should be!

I knew that foot swelling was normal for the end of pregnancy, but it really threw me that it was only my right foot. Advice from non-doctor but knowledgable people included limiting salt intake, putting my feet up, and taking it easy. I tried to keep my foot up yesterday and today, but it is still puffy and uncomfortable. I think I need to talk to an actual doctor, but I did check the internet and it sort of scared me.

Apparently toxemia and preeclampsia (which are quite serious) occur in 5-7% of pregnancies and symptoms are swollen feet, headaches, sudden weight gain. Hmmm...sounds like me. And there is little to do about it. And of course I found a cite that claims that limiting salt intake is the worst thing to do because they'd actually cause water retention.

Today I ordered a belly-cast kit and I'm pretty excited to get it. I don't know I'd do with it when it is done, but I thought it'd be nice to have. I have only four more weeks (supposedly) so time is getting short. There are few things I still need to do before baby. SOme organizing and buying a few more things.

Seeing Jen's baby, Keira, helps me to be ready for little Charlotte to come:-)


Susan said...

I hope your foot is doing okay. I miss you and can't wait to come visit you (all three of you)!

KzooJason said...

Let us know how it goes. We'll be thinking of you!