Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Last Dance

Well, tonight I did my last performance at Mezze, at least the last for some time. It was for a private party and it was nice since it was at 5:30 and I didn't have to stay up late! It is sad, but I'm glad. I've got other stuff to do.

Today, for the first time this year, I wanted to do yardwork. I usually am so eager to start working on my garden I'm out while the snow is melting. But this year, with the tired and the sick, I have been thinking that it sounded like alot of extra work. Which it is, but I usually enjoy it. So today, when I had to leave for the performance all I wanted to do was clean up the yard.

This is with the exception of the pond. That thing is full of dead fish, rotting leaves, and downright nasty. Don't really want to work with that right now, but clearing away leaves doesn't sound too bad.

Tomorrow I go to Traverse City for my kids' OM team state competition. Thankfully, after that, it is all done :-)


Roland St. Jude said...

How does it feel to be on the other side of the OM table? Are the OM kids as annoying as I suspect we were back in the day? Are they as smart as we thought we were?

The InstiKater said...

Yes and No. They drive me nuts most of the time, but I still love them. They are quite bright, as I suppose we were. Creative and energetic. If only that energy would be focused on things like school...oh well. That's part of what makes them kids.