Sunday, April 23, 2006

Odyssey of the (hormones) Mind

The odyssey has come to an end. My team and I went to the State competition in Traverse City on Saturday and competed against the best in the state. I didn't have really high expectations, but I had hoped the kids would place in the top 6. Unfortunately, they did not. They didn't feel very good about the spontaneous portion and I don't even know what their problem was (we're not aloud to talk about it until after the awards and then we were too tired).

It was an early and long day; I left GR at about 6:30 am and didn't get back until 11:00 pm. It was actually a very good day and I very much enjoy my kids. They are crazy and weird and hyperactive, but that's why I love them. Carter's parents had a motorhome that they so graciously took up north with all the kids and set and props. It was a great plan as we pretty much hung out in the motor home all day. The kids watched movies (they are almost all in the musical "Guys and Dolls") and we got pizza.

It can be intimidating to hand around parents, but these people are so cool. Great, supportive parents, who really know and understand their kids (as much as can bge understood at this age). I really did have a good day. And I'm so proud of those kids; they did a nice job.

There was an extra bonus; the mom that I rode up to Traverse with turns out to be a labor and delivery nurse. We talked labor and delivery the whole ride up and most of the way home. She was super nice and cool and unfortunately, I found out that my doctor is not the best, in her opinion. She actually recommended switching and said that they are very few doctors she'd say that about, but mine is one of them. I'm not sure what to do. I have a doc's appt. tomorrow and I'm sure I'll go to it. My doc has always been respectful to me, but apparently is awful to the nurses and staff. Of course, doctors are often assholes who have a power struggle with the nurses. So a bad review from a nurse for personality isn't too bad...but then again, she seemed pretty adamant. I really pressed her for info, but it sounds like he is fine with patients, and not dangerous or anything, just a jerk. I don't want him to be a jerk to me, though! She is going to send her kid with a list of doctors for me on Monday and I'll have to decide what to do about it. I'll play a Scarlett O'Hara and "I'll think about it tomorrow".

1 comment:

KzooJason said...

It's too bad they didn't make the top six but it's cool that they got to compete at State. Good luck with the doctor decision... that's a tough one.