Friday, February 09, 2007

Thrush, Rings, Work, and Sleep

Well, the thrush is still on Charlotte's tongue. I'm on a 13 day course of diflucan (antifungal) and now she is also. I called the ped. and she gave us the diflucan just today. I just have to squirt 1 ml in every day, not too bad. I started the nystatin again on Thursday and I already notice it getting better, but I think I'll do both for a little while to knock this thing out.

I'm starting to get used to the pretty ring. I feel like it isn't bad to replace my old one because Dave and I started a new chapter with Charlotte. I wouldn't have chosen the princess cut, but it is growing on me. Sometimes I don't know what is best for me. Usually Dave does.

Today i did a test run for driving to day care and work. I'm glad I did since it took more time to get her ready and drive from day care to work than I thought. I'm used to just dinking around with her in the mornings and taking my time. She's so bright and fun and just likes to smile...I need to start earlier so that we can still enjoy that. On the drive to work from day care I'll have to avoid the EGR school traffic, it took ten minutes to go two miles!

The rest of the day went pretty well. I'm not used to getting up at 6, but I'll have to get used to it pretty fast next week. Charlotte took a few naps today. She took one pretty late, at 6:00 until 6:30. Then she went to bed at 8:30, which is a little later than usual, but she went down SO WELL! She's been crying and has to be rocked to sleep for the last two or three weeks. But tonight she fell asleep feeding and I put her right down, which is great. Then I remembered that I forgot to put a disposable diaper on her....I wasn't sure if she was poopy or what and so I grit my teeth and went back in, unswaddled her and changed her diaper. Of course she woke up, but I swaddled her back up and put her in bed awake and thought I'd just try it. It seems to have worked...she's still asleep :-) if she can make it 20 minutes, she's usually down for the night. Now if I can just get her to NOT wake up for feeding in the would be just great!

I'll be going into work tomorrow to take care of a few things and I did some planning while she napped today. It felt kind of good. I hope that I'll get the rest of the week planned tomorrow. Jen is watching Charlotte while I work for a couple of hours.

1 comment:

Brian and Becky said...

Remember to give yourself a little time when you drop her off for "lovies"! It always takes me 10-15 minutes before I can stand to leave Isaac!

Sorry to hear you are still struggling with the thrush!

Oh - and I was at Baby Beloved yesterday! It was so nice to see Kelly!